HVAC filter

How A Dirty HVAC Filter Can Hurt Your System

January 25, 2021

The easiest way to add life to your heating and air conditioning system is to change your filters every one to three months. If you do not change the HVAC filter, here are five ways they may be hurting your HVAC system in Cantonment, FL.

1. The Blower Fan Has to Work Harder

Too much dust and debris will cause the filters to accumulate clogs. When this occurs, the blower fans cannot push air through the blocked HVAC filters, causing the system to struggle to operate. The result will be inconsistent room temperatures or a burnt-out blower fan motor.

2. Increased Energy Costs With Dirty HVAC Filter

A system that has to run longer to heat your home because of a clogged air filter uses more energy. That increase in power consumption increases your electric bill. According to the Department of Energy, clogged HVAC filters can use up to 15% more energy.

3. Frozen Coils and Fans Caused by HVAC Filter

A congested air filter can reduce the airflow to the evaporator or cooling coils. Without sufficient airflow, condensation develops, which causes the system to freeze. A buildup of frost on the fans or coils will make it harder for the system to control the temperature of your home.

4. Poor Air Quality

One of the filter’s jobs is to remove dust, pollen and other microscopic particles from the air. If the filter has clogs, these particles recirculate back into your home. Breathing this unclean air can cause family health problems, especially if someone suffers from allergies or asthma.

5. Furnace Failure

A clogged HVAC filter can lead to internal damage to your heating and air conditioning system. It could even cause the heater to stop working altogether.

Regularly changing your air filter can prevent you from spending thousands of dollars on the cost of replacing your HVAC system early. Call Lunsford Air Conditioning & Heating today to schedule a maintenance check on your system.

Image provided by iStock

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