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How Home Ventilation Impacts Your HVAC System

August 16, 2022

Every home relies on its HVAC system working properly to keep it cozy and welcoming. When something negatively affects your heating and cooling system, the results are uncomfortable and not healthy. Make sure you’re aware of the ways that improper ventilation impacts your HVAC system in Pace, FL.

Home Ventilation and Your HVAC System

Your heating and cooling system plays a vital part in keeping your home well-ventilated. When the airflow in and out of your home isn’t up to par, your system may have to work harder and your health can become compromised. Keep reading to learn how the and cooling system in your Pace, FL home suffers due to improper ventilation.

Why Is Home Ventilation Important?

When your home isn’t properly ventilated, the indoor air quality (IAQ) can become unhealthy. Indoor pollutants like pollen and other allergens, toxins from household cleaning products, tobacco smoke, carbon monoxide, dust, dirt and debris become trapped inside your home. The health and well-being of everyone in your home – even your pets – is at risk due to these and other contaminants.

Improper Ventilation Damages Your HVAC System

When your home isn’t properly ventilated, your heating and cooling system also suffers the consequences. Inadequate ventilation in your home will negatively impact your entire HVAC system in several ways, including:

  • Clogged air filter – When the air in your home isn’t adequately ventilated, it becomes saturated with unhealthy pollutants and debris. Your HVAC system’s air filter works to remove all of the contaminants from the air, so this causes it to quickly become clogged. The system will then work even harder as it attempts to force air through the clogged air filter, making it susceptible to damage from overworking.
  • Issues with air ducts – If your home’s air duct system is leaky and in poor condition, then your heating and cooling system will become overworked as it tries to circulate air throughout your home and provide proper ventilation as well as heating and cooling. Leaky ductwork allows heated and cooled air to escape instead of carrying it throughout your home. This will cause your system to put forth more effort in an attempt to carry the filtered air throughout your home.
  • Clogged condenser coil – Your HVAC system’s condenser coil removes heat from the system and releases it, allowing the refrigerant to cool it down. When there’s an excessive amount of dirt present due to insufficient ventilation, air flow decreases and the condenser coil is unable to fully release the heat. This results in overheating, which affects your HVAC system, potentially causing permanent damage.
  • Malfunctioning fans – Your HVAC system contains fans that are necessary for moving air through the system for cleaning and recirculation throughout your home. If your home isn’t adequately ventilated, then the air that travels through these fans will leave behind deposits of dirt and pollutants on the fan blades and the fan motors, causing them to operate more slowly and to eventually stop working altogether. Without operational fans, your entire HVAC system will become overheated and shut down, possibly for good.
  • Blocked air vents – The vents that carry air from your HVAC system and the ones that carry it throughout your home aren’t fully effective due to deposits of dirt and contaminants in the air when your home isn’t sufficiently ventilated. When this happens, the airways become blocked and prevent clean air from adequately flowing into your home. The pollutants from the vents become airborne and redistributed throughout your home, and pulled back into your HVAC system.

Keep Your Home Well Ventilated

Don’t take any chances with the air quality in your home. Protect your loved ones and your heating and cooling system. Contact Lunsford Air Conditioning and Heating to ensure safe and healthy IAQ and to keep your HVAC system working its best.

Image provided by iStock

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